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About Tosh

  • Birthday 01/13/1984

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  • Location
    High River

Tosh's Achievements


Chironomid (2/10)



  1. I havent fished the highwood yet but have friends that have and they have had very productive days, floated the bow last saturday (policemans to mc kinnon) and was very good till we hit the highwood then i couldnt find a fish for the life of me. But you never know till u go, hope this helps.
  2. well i have a friend talk me into building a rod. I know i want to build a fast action six weight, taller than a nine foot rod would be great but wont stop me from buying it. so far i like the st. croix sc4 and the sage vt2 any one own one of these rods and want to give me a opinion or a better way to go i would be grateful as i want a good rod without breaking the bank. Thanks.
  3. I have the simms gore-tex pack lite and i would recommend it any day of the week.
  4. I really like the quality and the selection at southbow. Dont know if its the cheapest but am more than willing to pay a little extra for sound advice.
  5. wow! them pics are cool, just wondering what the tempetures are there? noticed you had a sweater and a jacket on. thanks for sharing.
  6. Does any one know where you can buy a greys g series flyrod? I have never fished a greys rod and would like to give one a try, also if you have ever used greys any feedback would be apriciated? thanks .
  7. i think that quinn is going to be good for the team, already it seems he has got penner, gagner and a bunch of our guys going and he is holding people acountable. but on another note i was wondering what fellow oil fans think about schremp being an islander? it wasnt that long ago we were supposed to be exited about him, and the few times he was called up i thought he looked ok. so they let him go and put all that time in his development for nothing?
  8. thanks for the help, if it ever happens again i will definatly be more prepared. (wont leave home without the camera again). and i will definatly call his plates in, so hopefully it will help them get this jerk.
  9. can i volenteer my mother-in-law?
  10. he left before i could call but i managed to get his plate number can i call that in?
  11. I went to the highwood today and came across a guy fishing a large hole, there was probably 10-12 feet of ice along the banks were the slow moving stuff froze, so he would catch a fish, flip it onto the ice, drag it across the 10 feet or whatever, unhook it but instead of breaking a hole in the ice to release it he would throw em or most times skip em along the ice back into the water? I aproach the guy and grab a fish it looked like he caught a hour prior but his release (throw) was short and the fish died on the ice 3 feet from open water. I try to explain to the guy a better way to what he was doing when he basically told me to go screw my self and he was a professional angler. Note the fish i grabbed was a under sized white fish whitch he reconized so he threw back in the hole to float down stream. I was just wondering how am i supposed to handle myself in that situation? because i wanted to take my waiters off and skip him across the ice. thanks.
  12. Tosh

    White Fish

    I was fishing the highwood today and in the middle of a snow storm white fish were surfacing everywhere? At least i am 99.9% they were white fish and i am at a loss, were they eating?(i could not get any takes). I might be mistaken but i thought they were bottom feeders only?. I cannot get outwitted by white fish and now its a pride thing. any advise is apriciated
  13. looking for help using streamers and woolybuggers i have never used them but was told to use em to go after big browns, can i use longer leader on a floating line or should i buy sink tip or full sink?
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