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Posts posted by Jeremy

  1. I have a 10 foot kayak rigged up for fishing. I like that I can just take if off the rack of my SUV and be right in the water. I have a rod holder and space for more if I want. I also have cleats hooked up for an anchor. I may try to put a sonar system on this year. It has its advantages and disadvantages. I can cover a great deal of distance in the kayak since I can move so much faster than in a pontoon or belly boat. However, I can't maneuver while I am casting like you can in a belly boat. The boat I have is a recreational model and quite stable. Getting in and out requires a little balance so walking and wading after floating down a river becomes a little trickier, but not much. It is a good option for fishing, especially larger lakes that couldn't be managed in a belly boat. Kayaks that are set up for fishing are often quite expensive. I just bought a regular kayak and added all cleats and rod holders myself. It wasn't very hard.





    Actually I don't think he makes a good point at all. You can insert any alarmist catastrophe scenario into his matrix and you will arrive at the same conclusion each time. Go ahead and try it. Insert alarmist catastrophes like 'giant killer tomatoes' or 'werewolves' or 'inlaws who won't leave after the holidays'. His decision-making paradigm always reaches the same conclusion. That is, we should spend money to correct the problem no matter how ludicrous or remote the problem seems. By his logic it is ALWAYS smarter to spend money on a problem that turns out to be false rather than risk the catastrophic results of inaction (giant killer tomatoes will eat us all).

  3. I use google earth to keep notes on a trip. I will place a bookmark at the place I was fishing and then make a small note with the date, the conditions, what I caught and what flies I was using. I can save the "my places" file in google earth and import it to again if I need to reinstall the program.

  4. Sho is fugly tho', bro! Functional tho', right?

    Just so there's no misunderstanding- I'm referring to the vehicle, BTW!


    Fugly! Oh them's fightin' words! I love my E. Tremendously functional and surprisingly good 4x4 ability considering it is a small SUV without much clearance.

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