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Everything posted by bowriva76

  1. thanks Guys, appreciate the replies. Happy Casts.
  2. Hi there, just wondering if some of you guys could help me out, i know that Barometric pressure effects the fishing conditions. I have done some searching and have found some articles explaining the effects, but a lot is Salt water or Bass, I was wondering if there is anything that is leaning toward Trout in Western Canada or N.America. Anythings helps.
  3. Hi guys, great site and some real good info. Just wondering about fall patterns for Upper K Lake. I have fished it in the spring and had some good luck with Leeches, Chromies, and Streamers. Do all these still apply or is there somthing else that I might want to try, also do youthink the lake needs some more cooler nights or should it be good to go. anything helps keep up the good work.
  4. Fished it on Tues night, first time there, had some luck, landed 7, lost a a handful, Green leech and a Caddis emerger combo was working for me. lots of mayflies as well. biggest was 20", only went because i was intown for business, hit the bow, she is smokin.
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