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Everything posted by Rainbowhunter

  1. hi all, i just recently bought a hyde drift boat. Its been sitting in my grage for a couple of weeks now and it is driving me crazy not being able to use it. So when do you think i should be able to float form policemans to mac?
  2. funny if you look it the top right corner it looks like a fish tale. Oh ya nice fish
  3. here is my biggest brown to date . 23"
  4. hi all looks like everyone had a really good summer, spring , and fall of 09, i did also have a great time , i fished alot of water and really expeirienced the beauty of fly fishing and how it will now ruin my life. LOL I belive my most memorable catch this year was a huge cutt that i fought for 5 minutes until he ran me down a couple sets of rapids and bent the hook staright. I do not have any pictures of him but i think of that fish everytime i seee water and it keeps me coming back to all the rivers wanting to catch a fish of his size again. Anyways here are a couple of my other memorable fish. Enjoy, Matt P.S. Thanks Dutchie for showing me the ropes of fly fishing and taking so much of your preciuos time to take me fishing all over Alberta. Always willing to fish with you at any time.
  5. i like this one alot, i think it would be cool to get decals made up and sell them at fly shops, etc. everybody that is a memeber of ffc should put one on thier vehicle. just my two cents
  6. without a dought dutchie " Richard Mason of Bow river adventures. he is the cheapest and has the most expeirience.
  7. hey all, have been looking around at some pontoon boats. Does anybody recomend and not recomend them. and why. If you recomend them which ones are the best bang for your buck!!!. I dont wnat anything to expensive.
  8. a couple more
  9. some more cuts
  10. hi all i just thought i would share my week with you. hope u enjoy
  11. is it possible for you to send me pics of the tube
  12. you want to trade your tube for the case that myne is coming with.
  13. hi all i have recently purchased a sage flight 4wt 4pc fly rod and when i purchased the rod the clerk mentioned that it comes with a rod case with a reel attachment built onto it. When i heard of this i wondered to myself why do i need that when i already have a two rod case with reel attachments on them. Anyways to my quasion. where can you order or purchase nice metal or aluminum rod tubes. Thankx alot Matt
  14. Hello all, I would just like to mention that the last couple days have been great!, due to a great teacher/guide , Richard Mason(Dutchie). He owns and opperates BowRiverAdventures. He is the cheapest guide in Calagry therfor probably Alberta. For two people to fish any of the the following waters(Bow,Crowsnest, Oldman,Livingstone and mountian streams and lakes) it is 300 for a full day of whatever you want. For two people it is 350. He provides all transportation and food. If anybody is looking for a very talented guide to learn from or just going for a float with HE IS YOUR GUIDE!!!! Richards Cell:978-3674 Website: Type this address into your Address bar, www.bowriveradventures.com Thankx Here is the little stroy of those couple of days he took me out. First day i went out wiht him we headed to the bow river and we floated from policmans to makinnons. At first when we got o the boat he showed me how to set up my rig. He taught me !!! After we got setup and he showed me the right flies this time of year and why we satred to flaot down the river and he took us to all the best spots and showed me the how to fish off aa boat. Just after about twnety minutes of floating the other guy we were with hooked into a nice rianbow. Just after hooking into that fish we stopped at an island. and he took me out and described the water to me and where the fish would be laying. After that showed me hwo to fish. Just after he left me and went to get hsi rod i hooked into this decent rainbow. I just found it so amazing how this only being my second year of fly fishing that Richard could get me into this good of fish. We got back into the boat and procceded down the river. Just as we got afloat agian Richard recomended that i cast into this certain spot, just as i did three or four seconds after the line hit the water WAMO!!! the strike inidcator went down and i set the hook just like he taguth me before, i had hooked into my first big rianbow with a nymph set up. He immediatyl told me how to fight the fish and before i knew it we had him in the net. We carried on our journy further and further down the river hooking into many fish. If you dont know how yo nymph, dry fly, streamer or any other type of fishing contact him and you will learn it very soon. We began to float down and got to a slow spot. He mentioned that meny times before he hooked into fish in this area and just after he said that the strike inidcator went down. I had a big fish on my line. He faught, ran into the middle of the river and jumped every second until he was into the net. This was an amazing moment. I had hooked my biggest rianbow trout EVER!!!. He was measured at 24 inches. We carried ont he rest fo the day fishing and enjoying the beautiful scenery. The next day he took me out to the oldman river. The first place we arrived to we started fishing and within ywenty minutes of fishing brian(one of his other guides) hooked into a pig of a bull trout. Measured in at twenty nine inches!!!!!!! When we got him into the net we noticed that he had a huge cutthroat trout in his mouth. The rest of the day between the four of us we hooked into probly 50 to 60 fish. It was one of the best two days if not the best two days of my fishing career . Just great guide and a great teacher to have. And you dont pay alot for him..
  15. I would like to know somewhere that is not to far away that has some good grayling fishing. A creek perferrebly. Thankx for the input..
  16. does anybody out there have a good caddis emerger pattern. thanks. and a caddis pupae pattern thnaks
  17. I would like to know how much maxwell or any other guide would charge for a couple hours of instruction on the north west part of the bow. I would like to learn how to nymph better and how to read water and locate where the fish are.
  18. I used to camp and sometimes still do around the fallen Timber. Never had a chance to fish it because i was so young, but now looks like ill take adavntage of it. Nice Pics and it is nice to see people fish small rivers.
  19. i would like to know how everybody else sucures thier strike indicators. i just use a toothpik but i dont find that it works that well. is there a cheap but effective way of doing it. thankx for any advice
  20. im pretty new to the sport and all i have really fished is dry flies in the summer. I would like to get some more knowledge on where on the river to nymph and how much wieght to put on. Do i fish nymphs in eddies or ....? And the same with stremers. Thanks alot. Any advice is much appreciated.
  21. i know it is to early for dry fly but im talkaing once the ice all melts and in spring and summer time. I am located in bowness but i am willing to drive to acces some good little trout streams. Any streams that are good and or not over crowded. I like to fish streams that are anywhere from 50 feet cross to 10
  22. Hey just wondering where some good spots to fly fish in and around calgary are. Im looking to wade and fly fish with eithier dry or nymph. Any aadvice would be much appreciated Thankx
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