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Everything posted by borntobewalleye

  1. deMonT6 you are seriously the most humiliatingly moronic indovidual that has ever blundered his way out of a uterus. you could not catch a cold with both hands, a map, and a GPS. if you need lessons, i would be happy to teach you something. excuse all the spelling errors i likely made.
  2. Fish scales. My fish cry for me, in this world of lost scales. Scales of pattern, textures of shape, all lost to the ounces the scale permits. And when the day decides to run, when the scale announces full And we seek what cries for us We leave the world, and chase the shapes. The textures and the scales. And we fish, for that which cries. i was pretty drunk when i wrote this, infact, i dont think i actually remember more than the fact i did write it.
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