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Posts posted by jonny5

  1. Its 75 to 95 cents a liter in kansas, oklahoma and texas... I can't figure out why its so much cheaper here, since the supply is all the same.


    also a flight from dallas to seattle cost 300$. To go to Vancouver airport is 600$ most times. Not sure why. That price difference covers the cost of a rental car for a week or 2...

  2. Howdy Firefrog, I was at a neuroimmunology conference the other month and I remember a few things discussed about lyme. One is that western blotting is very unreliable for diagnosis. If you can find someone to do a PCR test, I can tell you that this is VERY specific and sensitive, but prone to false positives.


    Someone mentioned xenodiagnostic lyme testing which they basically use a tick (a clean medical tick I am guessing) and attach it to you and allow it to feed. Somehow, the borrelia is VERY good at finding its way back to the tick and then the tick can be examined for the bacteria. Sounds ok if you don't mind getting bitten again.


    I don't know who is doing these tests in Canada. My main question is why your doc didn't just put you on doxycycline just in case?

  3. If anyone thinks having a boat and fishing with downriggers and depthfinders classifies you as a redneck, that means you have no idea what a redneck truly is!


    A redneck depth finder is a piece of string with a rock. The boat must have multiple home built attachments. Fishing is best done with trot-lines or dynamite. Occupants never wear shirts. Or if they do, they wear wife beaters or a white T with a pack of smokes rolled up. Dave isn't even sniffing true redneckness with that boat. That thing is a yacht where I come from!


    Hi, my name is Jonny5, and I am a redneck.


    Don't forget jug lines.... And recently legalized in texas: noodling.


    I was at the noodling tournament this year in pauls valley Ok, and I will admit, it was REALLY effing fun!



  4. Yeah, banger screwed in, pin in locked position. They definitely work, one of my buddies used one on a bear across the river from us that was running towards a couple of people just around a bend. they didn't even know what happened cause they couldn't see the bear, but it turned and ran the opposite direction, and I bet you they were pretty pissed that we shot a bear banger at them :P

  5. So you though they where using a lot of hackle before did you? Remember you are only looking at eh front of the dress. Take a close look and try to count the capes. How many fly shops did that wipe out stock in.


    This reminds me of the "kids in the hall" chicken lady skit. And that aint a good thing <--poke--<





    If your interested in avoiding flats you can install TUFFY's inside your tire. They are just a liner between your tire and tube.If there not at mec try campione. I put them on my wifes race bike so she doesn't have to change out tires mid race (which would significantly increase her race time ^_^ )

  7. Another vote for panniers... Also if you don't already have em, get fenders, it will make it a cleaner ride on those slushy days.


    And a blinky light as a courtesy to the other people on the bow river path when there is no overhead lights to see you coming (actually everyone should have one I think, even dogs).

  8. Good on you for riding, its way more fun than driving to work and you will be in great shape in no time if you stick with it! You can ride every day of the year also, you would be surprised how easy it is down to -20... below that, not so easy but still doable.


    Now that I am living in oklahoma city, with little or no safe bike routes, I sure do miss the bow river path. And like you said, you will always know of a few fishy spots and river conditions. B)





  9. You could try searching on PUBMED (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/) using keywords such as "alberta and salvelinus". That got 72 hits, but I couldn't figure out how to send the link.


    Depends what you are looking for though... there will definately be some ecology in there, but most will be slanted towards pharmacology, physiology and toxicology.


    Or you might have luck using another index like "web of science" but I have no experience with that one.


    PS. if you find a paper on there that interests you and you can't access it let me know, and I will try to get it for you if you want.



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