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Everything posted by chambers3

  1. So on monday January 26th, me and a buddy decided that we were gonna go ice fishing. So he picks me up and we drive out to sybbil lake. So we load are gea onto the sled and head on to the ice. So we drill a few holes and try fishing it for an hour and a half, and after no hits and a smell of the water (smelt like decomposing fish, which raises a suspision that it may have winter killed again), we loaded all the gear up and got back in the truck. We drove down the road to sybbil pond. We got everything unloaded and out on to the ice. We drilled a few holes set are rods up and waited. So after an hour and half we had one hit. At this time it starts to get a little chilly. So i decided to pull on my gore tex pants. I put the one leg in, then took my 2nd boot of. I then startd to hop around trying to keep my balance. I then lost it and fell backwards right onto my buddys 8 inch swede bore. That ended that trip... 9 stiches an inch below my left ass cheak!! its about 4 inchs long and 2 inches deep. Was very lucky. It was a day of firsts. Firts time ice fishing, first stime for stiches and of course.... first time stting on an auger!!!!
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