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  1. I have read your reply to this thread and you guys truly make me laugh. Have you ever caught a trout deeply and it is bleeding, "Fly" or "Rapala". I checked the regs for Alberta, "Bow River" and it clearly states "All Trout over 35 CM MUST BE RELEASED" If this guy kept his fish it could have landed him a big fine !!! In my province that is a big NO NO!!!! Further more I never saw anywhere in the regs that treble hooks were illegal !!! It does state that there are "Barb less Hooks" That fish the guy was holding up looks to me like a sucker and not a Whitefish, you should know your fish before you flap off at the gums. His handling skills seem to need work!!! The administrator should look this thread over carefully as the first page clearly has one clown uttering threats over the Internet "Joe Dirt Style". I personally took a look at this guys website and his images; and I see huge trout, and all I see here is small fish and a bunch of immature grown men complaining about things that children would complain about. I also looked at some video's as well, I saw the guy releasing his fish as they were to big to keep by the looks of things. Don't you fishermen have fish to catch and better things to do than attack someone via a keyboard. Go get a life and catch a few fish while your at it. In my past forty years as a writer for many fishing magazines, I know constructive "Suggestions" are well more received than verbal diarrhea via a Fly Fishing Forum. That's precisely why I stay away from forums like this. !!!!! NFLD
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