TROUT UNLIMITED CANADA presents the 2009 Trout Unlimited Canada Streamside Assistance Lottery. This very successful fundraiser is made possible by all Alberta TUC members who support this worthwhile initiative. All proceeds from the 2009 lottery will go directly to Trout Unlimited Canada’s Cold Water Conservation efforts, supporting conservation and restoration projects in Alberta. This year's prize package includes:
The odds are in your favor! Only 5,000 tickets printed!!!! Only 3,600 were sold in 2006. Your odds can't get any better!
2009 Toyota Prius,
$27,000.00 value
2nd PRIZE:
16G iPhone and three year plan, $3,400.00 value.
3rd PRIZE:
Canon EOS 40D Digital SLR Camera with 17-85mm IS Lens
and EF-S 55-250mm IS Lens, $1,800.00 value.
EARLY BIRD DRAW, FEBRUARY 9, 2009: Float Trip on
the Bow River and two rod packages, $600.00 value.
The Grand Prize Draw will take place on May 7, 2009 as part of the Edmonton National Conservation Banquet and Auction at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 10111 Bellamy Hill, Edmonton Alberta. The Early Bird Draw will take place at TUC head office on Feburary 9th 2009, so be sure to get your tickets early!
Tickets are $20 each and are available online at TUC Toyota Raffle or you can give TUC head office at call at 1-403-221-8360 and we will help you to help us!!!!