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Posts posted by dimi

  1. Dude park the boat along a deep shoreline and put a hook with corn on the bottom of the lake, and wait like 10 seconds. SO MUCH WHITEFISH! So much fun to catch too. I haven't seen whitefish like those though. They have a pretty large mouth compared to the ones I'm used to catching in the bow.

  2. Lately I've been getting aggravated. I show up to my favorite spot @ 6am, pull out my favorite clouser minnow and start casting. Now its a deep pool I'm fishing and there is always a ton of hungry fish in the morning. I'm using a floating line with split shots to bring the streamer even deeper. So I cast across and retrieve downstream in fast snips. I get 3 very hard hits my first 3 casts, none of which results in a fish, then the fish get spooked and the fishing is done. This has happened twice. I have a hook sharpener and its sharp as :$*%&: . I met some fishermen around fish creek that were using the same streamer and for the 4 hits he had he landed 3 fish. What am I doing wrong here!?!? Should I retrieve slow or fast, big or small snips? I used to do this morning routine while spinner casting and it was very efficient. Any suggestions?


    Edit: Could I maybe put the split shots on the tip of the fly line essentially making it a sink tip?

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