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Everything posted by kaudley

  1. Thanks Guys - That Fishtales course looks like a good one!
  2. Hello everyone! As the topic suggests I'm new to Fly Fishing - in fact I've never got a fly wet, or even tied one on to my fly rod.... I started fishing 2 years ago and I love it - fishing the bow, mostly towards the Carseland Weir area. I have a spin cast setup I've been using and I have been somewhat succesfull with that. I had a friend who lived here from Ontario - he was the one who got me into angling and I had some great times with him, but he has since moved back home. I still love to fish, but I go it alone mostly, sometimes I'll take one of my boys with me when they sound interested. I spent this past Christmas in Ontario and as we drove down I made sure to schedule a special stop at Cabella's. I was in dire need of a pair of waders and wader boots - while I was looking they had a full Fly Rod/Reel starter kit for $100.00.... I have always wanted to try Fly Fishing so I picked it up. Addmitedly I have *no idea* what I'm doing.... I understand things like structure, and hunting the fish - and I think I have the basics of casting down. I've been practicing since January a few times a month just casting with a strike indicator on the end of the line so I can see where it's landing and try to follow it behind me on my backhand cast. All I've accomplished at this point is overhead casting (which I learnt about on the internet) I haven't attempted roll casting yet. I have no idea how to tie the fly to the line, I know you have the casting line, and then some leader - I've heard talk of a tippet? Any suggestions for an introductory course maybe? Something else that would be helpfull is if I could possibly pair up with someone in the Calgary area at some point? First off I pick up really fast so just watching someone who has been doing this for awhile would be of real bennefit to me, secondly learning how all the pieces fit together would be a good idea... lol! It would also be nice to have some friends who enjoy fishing as much as I do - I tried taking a friend with me once last year, he thought it was strange how excited I would get when hooking in - and that maybe it was just a bit cruel to the fish.... At anyrate - any suggestions are appreciated Thanks!
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