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About jononfire

  • Birthday 11/17/1984

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jononfire's Achievements


Mayfly (4/10)



  1. I would like to enter for the evening
  2. thanks guys!!!! so anyone down to give a lesson hahaha
  3. thinking about getting a spey rod for the bow. I have never spey cast before and i am wondering if it is practical to use on from a drift boat?
  4. My dad and I have that same boat in Red i wanted to call it the red baron........he calls it his hahahahaha
  5. Thanks for the help guys!!!!! I am really excited to get started (just wish i could do it right now). Its sounding more likely i will stick to birds for awhile at least. I am a chef so the eating part is as as important to me as the the time spent outdoors, which is why i am interested in larger game as well. Anyway for now im going fishing. Im sure i will have many more questions to come and i will surely post here. Thanks alot for your help Jon
  6. I have been fishing for most of my life and in recent years have started to gain interest in hunting! I realize the season is in full swing so i am looking ahead to next year. I will be getiing my P.A.L. and taking the hunter safety course this winter. I was thinking that birds would be a good starting point but i am also interested in larger game like deer or elk. I was wondering after i am licensed what sort equipment will i need. Obviously i will need a gun but what type should i be looking at ect. Also what are some things i cant really go without. Any help would be greatly appreciated or if someone could point me in the direction of some quality information i would appreciate it. Thanks Jon
  7. Cast one today!! REALLY impressive!
  8. Nice! Fish!
  9. anyway thanks for all you suggestions and help!
  10. Never been steelheading before be nice to have someone show you the ropes a little first
  11. Unfortunately the cost of those trips are WAY out of our budget. Just cuz someone shows us a couple of runs does not mean we are not capable of finding our own! Thats part of the fun!
  12. Thanks For you help!!! Ill start searching for this Bob Hull!! Do you have contact info??
  13. My Dad and I along with my younger brother are planning to go steelheading next year. We have our eyes set on the skeena system. I know there are a fair number of ppl on this board that head there regularly or have been and i was just wondering if anyone could recommend a good guide. Or plan is to fish on the way out and then a couple days steelheading with a guide and a couple on our own then fish on out way back. We wont be staying in any of the lodges i have found on the internet as the cost is incredible. So if anyone knows of a good guide in the area that would take us our for a couple of days that would be great as we will probably book for next year within a few months. Thanks to all
  14. GOing Camping this week in waterton i have never been before. I will be picking up a back country roadmaps book for the parks but was wondeing if anyone had any reccomendations pm's welcome thanks
  15. Just wondering if you guys could recommend any fly tying magazines? I currently subscribe to fly fusion but was thinking of getting something tht relates specifically to tying
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