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Everything posted by dthirkell

  1. I have a few to consider now, so thanks to everyone. I think the price is going to be a part of the decision here. The Norvise looks really nice, but $300 is a lot for a beginner like me.
  2. Thanks for all the suggestions and advice. Good idea to see what's on show at the Expo this weekend. Dave.
  3. Which vise would you recommend for someone just starting out in fly tying? I want something reasonably decent, so that I don't feel the need to upgrade in a few months. I would appreciate your suggestions. Dave.
  4. When you say 4 to 6 feet of tippet, do you mean the leader, or both? What would the set up be from fly line to fly?
  5. I wonder what kind of fee a really great instructor like Toolman would charge?
  6. Thanks for all the excellent advice...darn do I need to buy a new rod now? I think the suggestion of using a casting instructor may be a very good idea to shorten the learning curve.
  7. I can't seem to cast streamers to save my life, especially when they are weighted of if I need extra weight on the line. I have developed pretty decent casting with dries and nymphs. Any advice on the technique I should be practicing, so that they cast more than 10 feet or don't hit me in the back of head. I am currently using a 6 weight rod and 6WF floating line. Thanks!
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