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Posts posted by castor

  1. I'm am Fishead fan. Anyone that doesn't think there is a tonne of ego here, likely just can't see past their ego. There is also a pile of ignorance, and some intense (scary) people that need a little time away from the fishies. But then again, nobody on here likes me cause I don't have the same opinons as everyone else.


    Spey, boat, spin, fly - whatever makes you happy.

  2. Toolman,


    It doesn't seem to me like this was anything like an open discussion. It was more like a discussion of your opinion. Everytime someone posted an opinion different than yours, you jumped in with another expert reason why yours was correct. It seems more like the reason you posted this was not to learn more about it, but to show everybody how much you're learned about it.


    You go too far to prove your opinion when you start assigning reason to the fishes behaviour (as in they think a grasshopper is a stonefly so they eat it, or that fish associate strike indicators with fishermen - so they strike to warn us?). You can't ever know a fish eats one thing over another, and it doesn't really matter, unless you want to show people how smart you are.


    I think that fish respond to their environment and eat when it's available.


    P.S. Esleech, what I wrote was not offensive, or cowardly. If you really want to learn about trout behaviour, I think you need more than one person's observations on one river, you can learn a lot more from a larger data set. Unbunch your panties.

  3. Castus,


    Harps' job is enforcing the procedures that industry doesn't know. It is exactly because of this that I believe that he does know the procedures, and the he knows damn well that industry doesn't.


    That's not to say that you don't, but not all those applying for permits have your level of experience and I'm guessing that you weren't born with this knowledge and maybe you made a few mistakes just like everybody else does when they learn something. Now that you've considered your situation, think about all the development taking place right now; on the whole, X times the development means X times as many people have to make the same mistakes, have to learn the procedures. After all, first hand experience seems to be the only way to learn anything. Just ask the Chinese. (sorry China - not my example)


    To bring this back to the original post, please bear in mind that what you see in the media (TV, print, internet, radio) has already been spun to achieve the greatest impact and nice stories don't sell. To demonstrate the concept, consider the Wabamun Lake situation (all fictional numbers now).


    After two years (almost exactly), an estimated 799,000 litres of the estimated 800,000 litres spilled has now been cleaned up..... When a reporter from the Journal is send to write this story it might be titled "99% of Deralinment Contamination Recovered". This is a great story for page 32, right beside the story of the old woman that just ran the same marathon she first ran 45 years ago. Now if it were titled "CN Admits 1,000 Litres of Toxic Sludge Unaccounted For", you've got front page material. Now you're slagging big business, using the term "Toxic Sludge", and creating the mystery of missing chemicals. This is hot stuff. You can discuss the suspected carcinogenic nature of some of the chemicals (most have never been studied definatively) and ignore that the menacing tarballs actually encapsulate most of the oil. (Personally, I know that tarballs are bad because my cousin knows a guy that got bit by one then had to get needles to prevent infection. And another guy I know, his neighbour's dog got taken down by three of them while it was swimming by their dock, pulled him right under and he never came back up. Some of the bones washed up on shore two days later. Swear to god.)


    The point is that you can't just be spoonfed whatever you' re being told. There are no sources provided, and the data presented in this article is clearly slanted. I would suggest that the reason the number of spills reported has increased is likely a combination of more activity and that more spills are being reported. Doubling the number of spills reported doesn't necessarily mean that double the volume of oil has been spilled and the fact that one was a large spill is convienient if you want to focus on the negative, but it clearly isn't representative of all the spills reported. You've gotta ask yourself the questions, or might look like just another silly sheep.

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