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Posts posted by Bluecharm

  1. Hi guys, bonehead move for me recently. I've had my double rod case in the back of my truck for months. The zipper is busted on it, but it hasn't been a problem because I always made sure it was packed away where the rods would still be protected. The other day I decide it's time to be Mr. Fixit. The second I take the case inside to see if I can fix the zipper...SNAP.... Expletive... different expletive....both expletives put together.


    What is the best, fastest, and cheapest way to get a replacement.

  2. I added my 2 cents long after the post became anti quads. u obviuosly dont have a problem with the ongoing destruction caused by these off road enthusiasts so theres little point debating this with you.


    Yak, you must have some crazy Jedi mind powers or a really good crystal ball. But i don't ever recall saying i didn't have a problem with destruction caused by ATV's. Thanks for making my point even clearer.

  3. used to be no quadding and excellent fishing. coincidence?

    still remember one day at the liv. I headed downstream from the campground and came a cross a woman standing in the middle of the river trying to keep her kids atv from washing downstream. dummy was riding right up the middle and got stuck. She was damn near blue as she was only wearing shorts and sandals and had been standing there for quite some time. i waded in and helped her pull it out. She then told me she was surprised it happened as the entire family rode up and down the middle of the river all the time. Wanted to toss it and her back in but didnt want to litter. 90 % of quaders/off roaders destroy habitat in pursuit of "fun" . doesnt really matter how responsible the other 10 % are


    Wow, remember when North America was only inhabited by it's own native peoples. I bet the fishing was really good back then. You can't have every little stream, lake and river to yourself. You should be happy with the world class fishery that we have here in Alberta. Oh by the way, have you ever driven a car? Or does yours run on your own hot air? Have you ever dropped a split shot into a river and been unable to pick it up? I hear lead is really good for the environment.


    This is the reason i rarely post on this forum. Here is someone who was looking for some honest advice and i gave it to them. I never gave my opinion whether or not i agreed with what they were doing. I simply responded to the best of my knowledge.


    Yak, That must have been quite a sight and probably makes for a pretty good story. But if you feel that strongly about it, why not bring it up in a new post, You could call it "The ATV's suck, not fishing advice post". Next time, before you get all high and mighty on us. Maybe you could look to see why the topic was posted in the first place and then decide if we all deserve a morality lesson.

  4. Thanks for the help, I've tried the pool at the bottom of the dam and all I've found were a couple average sized pike that fought like a sack of doorknobs. I think I might have to wait until summer to find trout in the Elbow.


    Can someone tell me why the Elbow shuts down for two months in the spring and again in the fall. Is it because the rainbows are spawning in the spring and the browns are spawning in the fall?

  5. Hi all this is my first post on FFC. First off, i want to to say how awesome it is to have come across this site. It's amazing how much knowledge I've gained in only a few short weeks since first finding this site.


    I was going through the regs and noticed that the Elbow below the dam is open until march 31. Since i live within walking distance to the dam, I thought i might try my luck. As well i have noticed that most of the ice has moved out of this part of the river. My question is whether or not the elbow is worth fishing this time of year.


    I am new to fly fishing and enjoy the Elbow :rolleyes: because it isn't quite as intimidating as the Bow :blink: . Any advice would be sweet.

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