There's nothing quite like fishing near civilization...
As a young lad I found out the California state record for Silver salmon came from a creek near Inverness, California - so I resolved to give it a try. Lots of agribusiness and farming in the area and coupled with the proximity to the ocean, the water was off color and greenish.
I set hook on something and realize it's not a fish, figuring it to be a branch that come loose from the far bank as it's merely dead weight on the end of the line. I'm pulling it in slowly and out of the depths emerges this flesh colored object - it's still far enough away so that I can't make it out, but I'm thinking it's a drowned baby or a chunk off a corpse. I could see some small appendage looking thing - and I'm starting to get really uncomfortable - the last thing I want to land is a torso...
I get it in close and its flesh colored but it doesn't look right, it's square and pink, perhaps a foot long - with a fleshy looking appendage hanging off the center. I get it onto the sand bar I'm standing on and toe it over with my toe...
I had caught a sex toy ... a foot square facsimile of a human woman ...the part south of her beltline...
I don't know what was worse, a dead child or what I caught ... I instantly resolved NOT to eat anything outta the creek.