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Everything posted by dryangler

  1. As a new pontoon owner looking for input as to streams to fish. I will be travelling solo. Always hear of Stauffer and its harsh wading. Is it fishable from 10' pontoon? How about South Raven or Fallentimber or the Highwood or Sheep or Little Red Deer or Willow or Cataract....etc. Any info appreciated regarding where I should "cut my teeth". Not looking for success just good safe navigating ...I will figure the rest out from there...Regards...Dryangler.
  2. Finally going to upgrade a bit from the 5wt 2pc TFO Signature and am looking at 4wt, 4pc rods. Hoping to stay around $250.00. Suggestions as to brand preference/experiences and retailer in Calgary appreciated. Smaller creeks with dries primarily with the annual chironomid trip to BC. Thanks in advance.
  3. I wanted to suggest to the SRD that we use the credit card # on the receipt I found in the tent to pay for the clean up. I expect this camp was made by adults as it had been accessed many times by quads.
  4. I came across a freshly abandoned campsite while fishing Fallentimber Creek last week. The garbage that was left behind was unreal. 2 - 6man tents, clothes, burnt and broken chairs, +-150 beer cans and liquor bottles, food,suitcase,oil containers ...etc. all within 15 metres of the creek. There was a Safeway receipt (with name) and a credit card receipt (name and number) in each of the tents. I contacted SRD and was advised there was nothing they could do to charge these idiots as there were no eye witnesses. They will try to obtain addresses and send them a letter telling them they were bad. A SRD crew will be sent to the site (on our tab$$$$) to clean up the mess. In 30+ years as an outdoorsman I have never witnessed such a mess. Very disappointing.
  5. Try these folks. I've never been there but I know them...nice people. www.adanacadventures.com
  6. Heading to BC 1st weeek of June for some stillwater action in the high country SW of Summerland. Was slow last year a week earlier. Looking for patterns and suggestions.
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