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  1. I agree it is a terrible thing for any river to have a dam on it, but why is it our concern to worry about a area that only a rich few can go fish. We have lots of issues right here in Alberta that need more attention than someone building a dam in New Zealand, the proposed logging in the Crowsnest and Oldman is more important to me. It just seems that people are more concerned about what happens half way around the world than what happens in there own back yard. We still have all the idiots out west with there quads destroying everything they can, the logging companies and oilfield doing the same but not much has been done to stop that. But I guess when all the fishing and land has been raped here all the rich folks can still go to New Zealand, South America and other locales to get some fishing and the rest of us will get the *hit end of the stick.
  2. You mention that people should get in contact with MLA,s, Environment Minister and the premier etc. I have emailed and sent letters to these idiots several times about the logging out west of Rocky and about the idiots and there quads. I have got nothing back but a bunch of double talk, they are still logging out west of rocky along the forestry road and the nature loving idiots with there quads are still wrecking as much as they can. Not to mention the wonderful oil companies that have what seem to be free reign to do what ever they want in this province as long as there is money to be made by a greedy few. I have come to the conclusion that if anything is gonna be done it has to be done by average people like you and me, as long as the government is making money they will do nothing to protect the environment.
  3. These would be mine in no particular order. Devil Bug, Last Chance Cripple, Bubble Back Caddis, Biot Body Dun, Henry's Fork Caddis, Royal Stimulator, Amy's Ant, VW Hopper, CDC Biot Captive Dun, and the Griffith's Gnat.
  4. If a $400.00 dollar plus reel and a $600.00 dollar plus fly rod cannot be dunked in the water they are not worth owning. I am not worried in the least about putting my equipment in the water.
  5. One fly pattern I would not be without anywhere would be Quigley Cripple patterns for all types of mayflies, pmd, bwo, green drake, brown drake etc.
  6. Brown Trout I completely agree with you, I fish a lot on the North Ram River and its the same crap going on there.
  7. I am considering buying a multi tip line system for a 5 weight rod, I thought it would be nice for lakes. Has anyone out there ever used on of these setup's and if so which brand would you reccomend.
  8. I would have to say Winston and Hardy.
  9. My favorite would have to be Loop, Hardy would be a close second.
  10. Years ago when Jim Mclennan had his show Iron Blue Fly Fishing where him and his daughter fished a river for cutthroats? Does any one have any ideas or clues where they were fishing, any help would be greatly appreciated.
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