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About DanTCook

  • Birthday 03/04/1971

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  1. I think I'll be in town from the 10th to the 16th-ish. Depends on the supply of beer and the subsequent supply of Advil. I'd be up for visiting some smaller creeks. If you can make the time, just tell me where and I'll be there. Thanks!
  2. Ahhh........Maxwell. Just checked the PM's and it is the 13th and 14th! Perfect! See everyone soon. Dan
  3. Hola amigos, Greetings from the U.S. I hope all is well with my friends in Calgary. As mentioned previously (a long time back), I’ll be rolling through town during Stampede. I have arranged to fish with Maxwell for a couple of days (the 12th & 13th, right Max?) but will be up for some additional trips as well as activities related to Stampede. I am open to suggestions on both topics. Many thanks and I look forward to meeting the Calgary gang. Cheers!
  4. Well.......I guess that settles that......I´ll be taking in my first Stampede in July 08! I´d be interested in fishing as many rivers/streams as possible during my stay. Anything from hike-ins to drift boats is fine by me. Thanks to all for their responses and information. Cheers!
  5. Hi Calgary Crew, I was going to PM someone with this question......but figure I´ll just post it here instead. I just checked and the Stampede is EXACTLY when I plan on coming through town for the first time. I´ve never been to the Stampede........but am wondering if it would be a good idea to skip it and return at the end of August to do the bulk of the Calgary-area fishing? I´m sure it is a hell of a good time ´n all......but I´m also sure accomodations, including campgrounds, are packed to the gills. Plus I find it somewhat annoying to have to stand in a line for 20 minutes to get a cup of beer. Please advise on the intelligence of trying to fish around Calgary during the splendor of the Stampede. Gracias, Dan
  6. All, I forgot to mention that everyone is invited to e-mail me with any questions regarding fishing destinations that I´ve visited along the way. There is a lot of stuff that I can´t put on the website updates for various reasons.......but suffice it to say that I´ve managed to fish just about all the places with the ¨do-it-yourself¨ methodolgy. If this trip has proven anything enlightening, it is that just about anyone can show up somewhere and get access to fishing that would normally cost a few thousand clams. A person just has to be somewhat patient, optomistic and opportunistic. Oh.....and throw caution to the wind. Thanks again for all the invitations to fish. I´ll be in touch with everyone as the time nears. In the meantime, I check e-mail pretty frequently so feel free to drop me a note. Fish on, Dan
  7. Greetings Fly Fish Calgary Forum, Hola from Rio Gallegos! Thank you all kindly for the invitations to fish when I roll through your area. That should be around mid-July. Can´t remember if that is a good time or not. I would definitely be up for spending 7-10 days in the area and meeting the forum members. I assume everyone shares my ïnterest¨in sitting around the backyard with a nice BBQ and a healthy stock of beer?!?!? Thank you also for the supportive commentary on my little adventure. I can tell you with complete understatement that it has been one hell of a journey. Can really put it into words.....although many have suggested that I try to write it all down after it is all done. I´ve fished with the best fishermen from all over the world, met extraordinary people, lost a fiancee, seen some wonderful places and now count dozens of people among my friends. Ít is often said....but it really doesn´t get any better than this. More info on Jurassic Lake here (The preferred link) http://www.loopadventures.com/website2/sd_.../26/1/index.php Anyway, thanks again and I´ll set aside the necessary time to spend in the Calgary area. Till then, good luck and fish on! Buena suerte (good luck), Dan
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