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Blackant last won the day on June 8 2013

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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. Sage, You got the right idea, go out and try, and research some more and keep trying until you get into fish. Best to try dries in the evening with a elk caddis and hoppers/Stimmies this time of year. Look for rising fish to target, keep walking/watching otherwise, they are there. Some Tips about this forum: Lots of people on here are very sensitive about giving advice on fishing. So do not expect lots of people on here to help you, there is the odd one willing to provide some value to this forum. As you can already gage from a few posts. Oh yeah and do not bother posting pics on this form until you are good at fish handling. Again people on this form get very cranky, especially if you have a nice background shot that shows where you were fishing. Chances are where you fished is someone's secret fishing hole also known as "French Mans Creek or Lake". This will save you a lot of nasty comments on here, and hopefully will make your time on this forum more enjoyable. Have fun and keep trying. Black Ant
  2. Thanks for the tips guys. I am still researching at this point. I do not mind paying the extra money if the quality is there. I am the type of person that once I bought something I plan to have it last many years, if that means paying a little more for the extra quality I am ok with that. The frameless toons has interested me. Like how they are light weight, but kind reserved on how the sealed anchor points for the storage bags, rod holders, and anchor mounts would hold up. Well back to my research (Google).
  3. Hi I an looking to purchase a pontoon this season. I have started some research but wanted your options on features you like or dislike. Thanks Black Ant
  4. RelK19 I suggest you start off with a Black and Olive color woolly buggers. Its about as simple of a fly to make, gives you the experience of putting on beads, Lead wire(for weight if you want) and wrapping hackle. Start off with a #8 size hook. This fly will be productive. Then work on a Prince Nymph and Pheasant Tail nymph (with/out bead heads) #14- and work way down to #18. Chironomids are good but you need to start small, which can be a challenge to start off. Then work on an Elk Hair Caddis, and Stimulators. Hooking up with other fly tiers will help you learn a lot very fast. Have fun tying. Black Ant
  5. Hi Everyone, Well it turns out I am now in the market for getting a new vice. I originally had Wal-Mart C-Clamp vise that lasted over 8 seasons. The C-Clamp is now busted as the kids knocked over the table. I am looking for some advice on what vise to get. What has been your experience, what you like and not like about your vise. I did a search on the form and got some information, but wanted your guys personal experience. I am thinking of vise that has a solid base as I am tried of having to clamp on to a table edge and potentially damaging the table. Thanks Black Ant
  6. Thanks for the advice guys and taking time to post your thoughts. I think GP will be my destination of choice. After reading your comments and doing some additional research I think GP is definitly a landslide winner. The only thing left is to figure out which waters to target now. Bulls and Grayling are going to be my first choice, but more after some good fun with grayling. If one only had about 1 day of fishing, which place would you go? I am looking for good size and 1/2 decent numbers. I certainly do not want to spend 1/2 day and only catch 1 fish, mind out if it was a 40" bully that would make my trip. I was looking at the smokey and following the #40 south. Kakwa, possible tribs Simonette river Big Smokey Little Smokey I Thanks Black Ant
  7. Hi Guys, I am planning a fishing trip for the weekend up North sometime late August . I will be staying at some hotel. I need some guidence/advice for this trip. If you were to plan such a trip, Which city would you choose and why. 1. Grand Prarie area 2. FortMcMurry I am looking to target Graylings, and possible bulls, maybe some big pike. Ideas on what waters to target? I will be renting a vehicle so I will be mobile. I will be only doing walkin wade Thanks Black Ant
  8. Lad, I like your music suggestion actually. I will keep that in mind for my next video. Kingfisser, I agree can't go wrong with the Scorps. Thanks for the feed back guys. Next video will have some close ups for sure. Cheers Black Ant
  9. BigDirty, It was a great suggestion and I agreed with you I am looking possibly doing a multi camera setup as I can control 5-6 individual cameras. More toys is good Black Ant
  10. Bigdirty, There were no stills in this video I created. I probably should include some close up shots of the fish caught. It is easy to pan on a still in the software I was using. Black Ant
  11. Thanks everyone for the comments. Agreed that it would be nice to have some close ups of the fish. I try to add that in next time. Black Ant
  12. Transit, Thanks. I was using the Sony HDRAS100VR, and Adobe Premiere Pro for editing. Black Ant
  13. Hi Everyone, I spent some time learning how compose, and edit my first fly fishing video. I was out having fun with some pike on the fly. It was fun and learned lots during this exercise. Let me know what you guys think. Black Ant.
  14. Thanks Big Dirty. Learning lots. Cheers Black Ant
  15. I uploaded a clip to youtube. The quality of the clip is not as good as the original, but I think it is 1/2 decent. I am still learning the video thing so no music overlay or multiple scenes.
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