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Posts posted by GuySmiley

  1. Don’t worry you’re not bursting my bubble at all, I recognize that Alberta’s golden goose is the oil/gas industry, and that there are thousands of people that work extremely hard within it and that everybody relies on its’ continued prosperity and success.


    I also recognize, as well as does the Royalty Review panel, Fred Dunn the auditor general and Premier Lougheed amongst many others that the Alberta Government has mismanaged it. It isn’t just us ”guys… that feel that there is some secret society within oil companies that are making secret money and keeping it for themselves.” Would Stelmac have formed the review panel in the first place if he didn’t have to? No, he did it to cover his ass because there are glaring problems with the royalty structure.


    Tomorrow is an opportunity for the Tories to right some of their wrongs. Unfortunately, as I said before, Stelmac will likely cave in to pressure and threats from the oil and gas sector and will continue selling off Albertans' oil for too cheap. So, ten years from now you’ll either be vindicated or look like a oil and gas lapdog.


    I don’t know where you get the idea that anybody wants to “stop the prosperity...crash the economy, destroy jobs and families”, but, if you think that things are perfect the way that they are, then maybe you need to spend a day in the shoes of someone who is living in a tent year round in a Fort McMurray campground or some working stiff who is living with 6 other adults in a one bedroom apartment in North East Edmonton.


    Though, like me, I guess all they have to do to enjoy and prosper from the “Alberta advantage” is invest in Syncrude stocks. :blink:


    And not that it matters, but, ya, I am an Albertan. And like many others my family suffered greatly from that last downturn. That is one reason I would like to see a reasoned development of our oil and gas resources as opposed to the firesale that’s going on right now.


    Additionally, this isn’t “a them against us argument”. It is a matter of our government acting on two recent reports carried out by agents of the government (not communist environmental groups) that clearly say that all Albertans are not getting what their “fair share” from the sale of oil and gas resources.

  2. Ok, so let me paraphrase your most recent post:


    Two of the members of the royalty review came up with the conclusions they did because they are “power hungry guys” who want to run for the provincial NDP or Liberals. (Ya, running for the ND’s or the Grits is a sure fire way to gain power :lol: )


    Inflation = rise in salaries = increased tax base (never mind increased costs and demands on infrastructure across the province because of the overheated economy, and most of us haven't gotten raises commensurate with the rate of inflation)


    Increased Royalties = ruin the Albertan economy = communist totalitarian state (I’ll spare you my fascist dictator metaphor, but I do recognize the scare mongering. It's the tool of choice, isn't it? ;) )




    In that whole article you only found one thing to disagree with, does that mean you agree with the rest?


    Wasn’t it the Tories who picked the people to make up the Royalty Review panel? How are Albertans supposed to know how much we should receive for our oil and gas? Should we just let the CEO’s of Syncrude, Suncor, Encana, etc. tell us what is reasonable for us to receive in royalties? Hold it, that’s the status quo, which Eddie has already said wasn’t acceptable… but, don’t worry I’m betting tomorrow he’ll cave to the pressure from the oil and gas industry and announce it will be business as usual. Then we’ll be reminded of who really holds power in Alberta. (hint: not the Grits or the ND’s)



  3. It's interesting reading of the benevolence of the Oil Companies and their philanthropic investments in Alberta vs. the greedy incompetence of the Government. I'm definitely not going to argue against the ineptness of the government, unfortunately they are all we have and their mandate is to do what is best for the people of Alberta, even if it means pissin' off their buddies in the ivory towers.


    Despite industries best efforts to convince people of the opposite, I believe the Royalty Review is reasonable and definitely hope that Eddie does the right thing tomorrow. Unlike industry leaders the members of the review have been much more transparent and open to questions despite the slander directed at them and the underhanded methods of the industry. For one here's an interview a few of them did:


    Energy royalties: responding to the critics http://www.canada.com/edmontonjournal/news...90-866b114d55cc


    But, of course, I am just one of the unkept masses. ;)



  4. Good point Don, didn't Ralph and his crew do a royalty review not that long ago? I recall they found the system to be working sufficiently... how the tune changes!


    Wasn't that another bone of contention Fred had??? ... they said they did a review, but, they actually didn't. You know it's bad when even the auditor general finds big holes in the governments story. It'll be interesting to see how Eddie handles this in a few weeks.


    And careful Don, I think you're insinuation borders on Blasphemy. ;)

  5. bump


    Geez, go figure... Auditor General Fred Dunn doesn't think Albertans are getting enough in royalties as well. Additionally he says the Tories weren't collecting all the money due under the current royalty structure. Hmmmm... maybe we weren't getting our "pound of flesh" after all.



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