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Posts posted by OneMoreLastCast

  1. As Doc said, pinch the barbs when tying.  I know this isn't an option when buying flies but to avoid the frustration of trying to properly pinch the barb on the river or in the dark, do it at home when you buy them before putting them in your boxes.

    I had the debate with a friend who asked why I pinch the barb before tying the fly at the bench.  It was a simple answer that I'd rather not tie the fly, then pinch the barb and break the tip, I'd rather break the tip if it happens before spending the time...


  2. It's been quite a while since I've been here, and I decided that there isn't a better reason than to pay respect to an amazing person like Gord.


    I first met Gord around 30 years ago, and still have the first "Decent" fly rod I ever owned, a T&T that Gord talked me into buying with the promise that it'll catch more fish, he was right.


    A few years later, He convinced me that I should buy a Drift Boat and take clients out for him when he was short handed, with the promise that it'll make me a better fisherman, again, he was right. I loved the early morning phone calls from Gord telling me, (not asking), that I was taking some people for a fish that day and we'd figure out how much money I'd be paid, but I'm sure he knew I would have done it for free. I was actually scared to tell him when I sold the boat and was giving up Guiding, when I finally did tell him, he actually congratulated me for "Getting Out" and said now we can finally be friends. He was always good for a laugh, especially if you happened to be in the shop when someone asked what he considered a stupid question. His reactions were priceless and he didn't hold back, which I always respected.


    I miss the good old days where we would sit in the shop, tie flies, drink a couple pots of coffee and chain smoke the better part of every rainy day away. Gord was way ahead of his time when it came to patterns and never gave a *hit about putting his name on something he tied. He just liked to hear that it worked and it caught fish...


    Of all of the influences I've had in my close to 40 years of Fly fishing, Gord is a close 2nd to my Grandfather. I'm going to miss the grumpy old bugger, the fish won't though I'm sure. Rest in Peace Gord...

    • Like 2
  3. Warning or Fine....Are we forgetting that neither would have been given out without the Stream Watch Program?


    Either way, I'm sure the person went away less ignorant and will hopefully teach His child to read the regulations as soon as they can read.


    Thanks to those involved in Stream Watch and keep up the great work.


    I will say though, on the slim chance the offender in question reads this board....Shame on you. You've just taught your young child a terrible lesson that hopefully gets forgotten in time due to only being 3 years old. Parents really have to set a better example for the next generation of anglers. You can't teach them that it is okay to break, or ignore the rules and the warning is okay, but it kind of teaches the child that they got away with it in a way.


    Hopefully, thanks to Jeff and Stream Watch, there's one less uneducated Angler out there that would have continued breaking the rules had Stream Watch not existed.

  4. I agree 100% with both of you Don and Sundance.


    Yes Don, the people mentioned have done a fantastic job and I commend them all. I hope to get together with Kent in the next while for a fish and a talk.

    Sundance, I truly hope you can get something done and I'm more than happy to throw my hat in the ring to help you with your cause.


    I was just trying to get the point across that too many people sit on the sidelines and cheer others on rather than jump in and get involved. It's also very difficult to fight a battle like the one you've chosen to fight with such a popular fishery. It might be more productive to find a body of water that noone cares for at present and create the fishery you are looking to create. I say this because of the recent experiences I've had fighting the people that can't figure out "Why we would bother fishing if we're just going to let them go....."


    I've discovered that we are greatly outnumbered and it might be better to focus on more winnable battles.


    I've taken my depth finder out on a number of fish free waters that have shown potential and I'm now waiting the results of water tests to see which might be worth moving forward.


    I'll admit that I didn't do much when I lived in Calgary as far as helping to create Quality Lake fisheries, but it wasn't much of a topic back then. I spent a lot of wasted time in the end, fighting Irrigation and Storm runoff battles. With the number of interested people in the Calgary area there should be no problem getting enough support to get something done, but noone is stepping up.


    Sundance, I truly hope your name gets added to the list of successful people listed by Don above.

  5. Thanks Don for your help and input on my quest in my area.


    As for the "Quality Lakes" issue, I think more people have to get involved to see what Don and his Support are facing. Sundance will find out as well if he continues with this, and I hope You are successful.


    I think as a community, we have to focus and actually contribute, rather than just post your support on Boards like this. People with Conservation as a Priority and the hope to have Trophy Fishing are far out numbered by people that would rather put the fish in a frying pan. This majority attitude makes it near impossible to accomplish anything unless everyone that wants it actually involves themselves.


    Filling out surveys is a start, but phone calls, letters, showing up to meetings, sweat equity and of course Financial Support is what is really needed.


    My suggestion has been brought up in the past. Pick a couple of Potential Water bodies and focus on those until we get what we want. As I found out thanks to Mr. Anderson, trying to change the rules on an existing fishery is pretty much impossible.

    Fiesta and Ironside had no fishery, so what Don did to create what they are now is fantastic and we need to help create more like them, instead of just taking advantage of other people's hard work.


    I'm sure I'm not the only person that is sick and tired of having to drive out to BC to take advantage of "Quality Fishing" when there's no reason we shouldn't be able to have the same thing here in Alberta.


    The more I work on getting changes, the more I respect what Don has accomplished and the more I get frustrated with people that want something, but aren't willing to put in a little sweat to get it.


    Just my two cents and sorry if it comes off as aggressive. I just had the 6th door slammed in my face in just two days on pretty much exactly this topic....It's looking like it will be easier to move rather than try to get changes close to my home.

  6. Well done contacting the authorities and getting something done.


    I will how ever make one point though. Please don't group all Center Pinners into one group.


    I know of a few very responsible Anglers that use this method occasionally, (along with Fly Fishing) that know and abide by the Regulations. One in particular, (a good friend of mine), is of Korean decent but raised here in Alberta. He has already experienced negativity from the Fly fishing community which hasn't been a problem because he himself is an experienced Fly Fisher. He just likes to mix it up and loves being able to cover a lot of water. It would be a shame to see a person like him get flack due to being stereotyped.





  7. The Shack Nasties Strike again....


    I haven't had time to wet a line for a few months because I've been too busy up here in Fort McMurray working, but I've been able to forget about fishing for the most part as time has gone by. I pretty much settled into the fact I will most likely have to wait 'til Spring....Oh well, so be it.


    I decided to help a friend and hired him last week. He started today.


    He's been on the job for half a day and all he does is talk Fishing, Fishing, Fishing....Just when you think he's finished, back to the topic of fishing he goes! Now, thanks to him, I can't even concentrate on my work because I just want to hit the River!


    Apparently, he's known as the "Bow River Ninja" or "Jedi" or something like that. He seems to know what he's talking about, but being so young, how could he really? I'll see over time if he's all talk or not. Maybe even spend a day on the water with him if I get a chance to see first hand. I'll let you know of my findings.


    I needed a break from the fishing talk, so I just sent him on a Bogus Delivery off site for awhile.


    I can see this Kid's gonna cost me...Already lookin' at the Calender to see which days I can take off to go fishing.


    Oh, and to go along with the problems he's already caused by distracting me from my work, his first day on the job, he booked the weekend off to go to some "Fishing Show" in Calgary this weekend! Must be nice....


    Crazy Ass Long Hair Punk Kid.....Welcome to Fort Mac Max, good Luck.





  8. First off, I want to say that my previous post was in response to statements made about "Unions" in a general sense, and I apologize Weedy for implying that you are ignorant because I know you are not.


    You can't paint all Unions with the same brush, unless you want to call Teachers, Nurses, etc. lazy and put them into the same category as other Unions exposed in the past as being corrupt, Lazy, or worse. (ie- East Coast Teamsters back a few years, and possibly the Auto Workers in question at the moment).


    The studies and investigations by unbiased people are finding that the problems the Automakers are facing are pretty much all Executive Based. Whether it be giving themselves Raises, BS Incentive Bonuses, or even giving into unreasonable Labor demands, it still points to the executives.


    Terry's Original Post sums it up nicely and is perfect. Short, Sweet and to the point.


    Most of the labor bashing comes from people that have no idea because they have never worked in a Union environment or Company owners that don't want Union Labor because it costs them more out of their pocket.


    Do you think a Client looking to build a condo, Warehouse or something like an Oil Plant in Fort McMurray is going to pay more to have a Union Contractor do the job? They will take the Contractor that has the lowest price, can supply the manpower and has a great safety record. The extra cost for an employee's Benefits, Pension, etc. comes out of the Company's pocket.

    A Union Electrician or Pipefitter in Alberta has a better chance to live on the same street as the Company owner, than their Non-union counterparts.


    Just an example to show a different situation as far as Unions are concerned.


    Don't get me wrong, I am one of those that don't know the labor situation concerning the Auto Industry Bail Out. I can only go on what I read just like everyone else here.

    The only thing I suggest is that everyone take a look at the source. If an Executive states that it is a completely labor based problem that put them in their position or visa versa, I will look deeper for an unbiased report before blindly believing what I just read.


    I'm sure if I wrote an article, put a bunch of bogus numbers and supposed facts that pointed to Rickr as the cause of the Auto Makers fall, and a large number of Sheep out there would believe it and pass it onto their co-workers the next day... :D





  9. I hate to say it but the North American auto industry has gone for *hit mainly due to a bunch of overpaid, greedy, lazy, UNION workers.


    (How's that for a troll? Wish it was.) :lol:

    Okay, I'll bite Weedy. Get ready for the hook set.


    Wow....for such an intelligent person Weedy, this is the single most ignorant statement I think I've ever seen posted on this board.


    I refuse to respond to any "Flames" based on uneducated or false information, but do a little research on what UNIONS have done for the individual worker over history. Because of the Fight the Unions fought in the past, the Non-Union Sector now benefits. I will respond to intelligent, fact based posts.


    The Brain Washing by Big Corporation for years has finally sunk in making people actually believe that Unions are unnecessary or even a bad thing. If Unions were good for the companies they would all be Union. They are not good for the company, but are good for the Worker, so Unions are becoming a thing of the past.


    Unions have helped not only make workers quality of life better, but also help stabilize economies in the past, which would be a nice perk right about now I'd say.


    • Unions raise wages of unionized workers by roughly 20% and raise compensation, including both wages and benefits, by about 28%.


    • Unions reduce wage inequality because they raise wages more for low- and middle-wage workers than for higher-wage workers, more for blue-collar than for white-collar workers, and more for workers who do not have a college degree.


    • Strong unions set a pay standard that nonunion employers follow. For example, a high school graduate whose workplace is not unionized but whose industry is 25% unionized is paid 5% more than similar workers in less unionized industries.


    • The impact of unions on total nonunion wages is almost as large as the impact on total union wages.


    • The most sweeping advantage for unionized workers is in fringe benefits. Unionized workers are more likely than their non-unionized counterparts to receive paid leave, are approximately 18% to 28% more likely to have employer-provided health insurance, and are 23% to 54% more likely to be in employer-provided pension plans.


    • Unionized workers receive more generous health benefits than non-unionized workers. They also pay 18% lower health care deductibles and a smaller share of the costs for family coverage. In retirement, unionized workers are 24% more likely to be covered by health insurance paid for by their employer.


    • Unionized workers receive better pension plans. Not only are they more likely to have a guaranteed benefit in retirement, their employers contribute 28% more toward pensions.


    • Unionized workers receive 26% more vacation time and 14% more total paid leave (vacations and holidays).


    Unions also look out for the best interest of our aging work force by ensuring that they are protected from the company forcing them out to be replaced by younger workers by the writing of clauses in the Collective Agreements stating it to be required to have one worker over 50 for a certain number of workers under 50.


    Unions play a pivotal role both in securing legislated labor protections and rights such as safety and health, overtime, and family/medical leave and in enforcing those rights on the job. Because unionized workers are more informed, they are more likely to benefit from social insurance programs such as unemployment insurance and workers compensation. Unions are thus an intermediary institution that provides a necessary complement to legislated benefits and protections.


    Teachers, Nurses, Doctors and a large number of Others that have and will continue to have an affect on your lives. Take away the the fact they are Unionized and the cost of Medical attention and your children's education could potentially go thru the roof. It would eventually eliminate the middle class....It would be a lot like it was back in the 1800's when kids were crawling thru coal mine shafts, etc. instead of going to school, (pre-union).



    Unless you've worked and experienced both sides, you can't talk based on what your company/government has drilled into your heads over the last few decades.


    In the end, I could care less if someone chooses to work in a Union or Non-Union environment. But if a person works for the same number of Years in a Union as a person that works Non-Union, the worker with no pension might wish they had better hind sight when it's all said and done.


    A moderate percentage increase in Wages in a Multi-Billion dollar industry could not possibly cause the downfall. Terry's original post is a brilliant break down of the problem that caused it and how the "I Hate Unions" attitude was brought out by it, or by what is going on, once again shows how Big Company influence in Alberta

    reigns supreme and people continue to be their little puppets. How a person could think it to be wrong that an individual worker make more money, have more rights in the workplace, receive a pension, etc. is very confusing and shows that people are playing right into their hands.


    In the end, the Auto Makers will some how twist it around to dump the blame on the Work Force and High wages to add fuel to their cause which will eventually eliminate Unions. This will put all of the power into the Big Companies hands which will allow them to lower wages, take away pay for overtime, remove benefits, etc. This all saves the Companies money, thus making them more money.


    The problem with the North American Auto Makers has nothing to do with Employee Wages. It has all to do with the "Executive Factor" and if you check it out, you'll see it is true.


    To each his own, but....


    Did I mention I'm getting paid Double Time today to write this at work.....



  10. Sorry to hi-Jack the little bitch fight going on, but I thought I'd post some pics from this past season.


    Pictures of Glenbow, Rickr, Rusty and I moving some clients of our's to secret spots on the Bow with our new "Jet Boat Taxi" service.




    Here's a few pictures of our clients with some of their catches that were safely released of course.











    I shouldn't post these, (in case my wife ever stops by the forum), but this might explain why I didn't call some of you to fish with and went fishing "by myself" more this year. Here's some pictures of my new fishing partners.





    ....and here's a picture of Hawgstoppah's new partner




    Now....Back to your little online spat ladies......

  11. Dear Shack Nasties,


    Dropped the ball again....This should have been the first official thread started on the Board way back when you started this page!


    The Bow River sucked for the last month even though everyone feels the need to Bull *hit and say it is fishing great. I am busy working and can't fish, so I know it must have sucked!


    Then, I get a message from Max looking for work, so I take the time out of my very busy schedule to actually create a nice, cushy, sweet ass, high paying job with long term "Career" potential. When I finally get a hold of him, Some other jack ass already scooped him up and gave him some "Scab", "Non-Union" low paying, "No Pension" Bull *hit job with limited potential for long term profitability....Try to help a Brutha out and that's what I get I guess. Is it wrong to make up jobs for people just to have someone to talk fishing with? I thought not!


    As for the rest of the "Tako" wanna-be's here....Dare to dream. You might want to pick more attainable goals.


    Birchy...You think you're so F@*kin' Funny, well you're not! Okay, maybe a little...


    Lynn and Rick....Why don't you two just set it up, get the hotel room and get it over with. Are you guys the only two here that don't see it? (We won't tell anyone, trust us)


    Lastly, it looks like I got away with yet another season without getting caught fishing without a license....Although I'll probably take one more shot at getting caught while fishing the Bow near Edworthy Park next weekend.

  12. Just wanted to say that I am not leaving the board. I am still going to be involved with any fund raisers, etc..


    I also want to say that it is not any one individual that caused these feelings from one post directed at the Admin. It is a culmination of things that have built up over time.


    I will still be stopping in with the hopes that everything works out. Maybe it was time for a wake up call.....

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