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Posts posted by Bobr

  1. It looks like there is a slower area on the south side of the river.

    Just a series of 5 or 6 small drops (2ft or so)


    I believe they have removed the rope, I don't recall seeing it but I'm not 100% on that.


    From what I saw last Sunday I think anyone in a driftboat could do it no problem, in a pontoon.... you would want your stuff secured and be paying attention.

    I think I'll try it when the water levels go down a bit. ;)

  2. I have 3 TFO rods, all 2 pc. I do not have the Axoim though.

    I have broken the tip twice on the 5wt, but just before that I heard the dreaded "tick" of the split shot bouncing off the rod.


    I don't go out very often, maybe 5 - 6 times a month in the warmer months so my usage may not compare to yours.

    I have never had a problem with the TFO's I have that I didn't cause myself and I've beat these guys up quite a bit.

    Yanking out a snags, dropped on the rocks, digging the tip in the dirt while stumbling through the trees etc etc.


    Personally I happy with their durability, but in your case I'm not sure. I can see technique being the issue a couple times but 4 times sounds like a lemon.

    I would take the replacement only on the condition that you can return it for a refund, or get any replacement pieces for that rod free from now on.


    Good luck

  3. hell if he doesnt take this i would love to pick it up!

    i had a 250 gallon tank a few years ago.

    the movers broke it during a move and havent had a tank since.

    i could deffinattly put it to great use!




    Well, if Brownstone doesn't want the thing, you're more than welcome to it.

    It's gotta go before the wife smashes it to smithereens, uses it for a planter or some other gawd awful idea :)


    Having a 250 b4 I don't have to tell you how heavy the damn thing is.....

  4. Here's a link to a site with a river tank set up.



    And some chiller plans:



    Chillers are very pricey, but by the time you are done building one it may work out to be the same. I’m not sure



    But just as MTB said, if it's in the basement it will be fine.

    I have a 90G salt tank on the 3rd level of a 4 level and it stays fairly even as far as temp goes.

    Only on the hottest days does it climb a few degrees. At that point a fan turns on to help cool it off. If it gets too high throw in some ice cubes.

    (One other thing keep the sun off it or you will be scraping algae off constantly.)


    I have a few canister filters and a couple Aqua clear 500's that I don't need.

    They are just taking up shelf space at the moment.

    (As a matter of fact, if you want upgrade to a 125 gallon.....) :)

  5. I had a back injury years ago that sounds similar. I somehow managed to compress 2 discs and ended up 1/2in shorter...

    I had a fairly constant cramp in my back and reaching around the base of my ribs towards the center for about a year or so. Much like the one you get when your calf cramps up in the middle of the night.


    I tried chiro and got limited relief, as a matter of fact at one point I was in there 2 or 3 times a day @ no charge because the Doc was as frustrated with it as I was. It helped a bit but nothing permanent.

    I never did try acupuncture for that injury but did for others and found it wasn’t all that helpful. (But I may not have been as patient as I should have been.)


    Anyway I went to these guys and they fixed me up in a couple weeks. Mostly with exercise.


    Canadian Back Institute

    103-240 Midland Pl Se

    Calgary AB, T2X 1N2


    Phone: 403-256-8060

    Fax: 403-254-2707


    website: www.cbi.ca

    email: calgarysouth@cbi.ca


    It is/was a private clinic at the time and it wasn't cheap if remember right, but it fixed the problem. To me that was all that mattered.

    I wasn’t fond of the thought of spending the rest of my days in pain.


    Hope this helps

  6. I have a 23' 5th that comes in around 5300 soaking wet.

    To tow it we have a Ram 1500 hemi w/ Cat backs, air intake and a programmer.

    This truck has never really had an issue pulling this thing. Stomp on the gas and I can be doing 140 in no time, but the brakes I've already had to replace. Not just pads, rotors and fluid also. The stock setup lasted one season, warped the rotors and burned the fluid. I ended up flushing everything and going with drilled, slotted and heavy duty pads. They are holding up fine so far for 2 years now.

    The transmission will "search" for a gear it can deal with constantly when towing on anything but flat ground if you don't use the "tow/haul" selector.


    Personally I love the truck and can put up with its shortcomings when towing. For me, it's all about knowing your rig. (But I’ve driven most everything that has wheels or tracks, ‘cept a tank.) We don't tow with it that often, maybe 5 to 10 times a year. The rest of the time it's for in town/yard stuff, fishing and hauling the dog around. For us a 3/4ton diesel seems a bit much, that and funds were limited when we bought the thing.


    That said it really is undersized for this size trailer.

    If I were to buy another truck or larger trailer it would most definitely be a 3/4ton diesel, mostly because of the braking issue and the tranny "searching".

    A buddy has 2007 2500HD and the power this thing has is amazing. (I'm a bit of a HP junkie.)

    He says it tows his 26' 5th like a dream.

    Another guy I know has a 1 ton and it's a beautiful (can't believe I ever said that about a Ford. shudder ;) ) new Ford 350 super duty, crew cab, full size box & duals.

    While it's an impressive machine with all sorts of goodies I thought the ride was rougher than I would have liked and it was massive. It felt like a school bus, there sure ain't no parking this thing in a tight spot.

    New off the lot & loaded the price was as massive as the truck.


    Hope this helps

    Good luck

  7. I have an Acer tablet PC, it works pretty good most of the time. It freezes up sometimes but I'm fairly certain it is the virus scan/firewall that's at fault there. The tablet is nice but I don't know if I'd get it again. It’s very handy but I just don’t use it enough.

    For just plain writing it very good, but the convert to text recognition sucks. But I have bad handwriting so results may vary.


    The GF does app and hardware support for rigs and they use the Panasonic tough book. Overall it's a good machine, the issues mostly come from the custom apps loaded on it. They are expensive but the guys using these things drop them, leave them on truck seats while bouncing down a access road, punch them etc. They take a beating before they quit.

    But if you are careful you won't need something that tough. Regular laptops are fairly tough and will put up with a lot too.


    Every laptop I've ever used (it's been many many since the luggable days) has had issues of one kind or another, where as a desktop running the same OS and software doesn't.

    I believe it's part of the price you pay to have a portable PC.


    Basically as said before, it depends on what you want it for. A fast processor and lots of ram will usually get you what you want.

    If it's just surfing, email and basic use you can get away with a cheap one. If you want to play graphic intense games like Crysis or Call of Duty you're looking at a bunch more cash.


    I've never really played with a Mac to much so I can't say anything other than everyone I've met that has one absolutely raves about them. They would rather go back to pen and paper than go back to a PC. (ok, maybe not quite that bad, but close.)


    Good luck

  8. Sadly, sometimes it seems you can never fully restore your system to its former state after something like this.

    I'm not entirely sure system restore works sometimes. I've had some issues afterwards with it.


    I fart around with mine enough to screw it up royally at least once a year.

    (read: Heeey, that looks cool. Install, run, Zzzzt, blank or blue screen, %$%@*#)


    Whenever mine acts up like that it's format/reinstall all time.

    Fortunately I have a NAS that backs up virtually everything.

    Mostly cuz I've learned I'm not likely to stop tinkering, at the same time learned I'm not that good at it.. :blink:


    Hopefully you have backups and can get away with a rebuild. If not your best bet may be to eat the cost of your buddy fixing it up for you or at least pulling your data off.


    Good luck

  9. I’d gladly pay more for the privilege of fishing our lakes and rivers.

    We will never get the habitat protection and regulation enforcement we all seem to want without more CO’s on site.

    If it will cost me more to have such a system in place so be it.

    (I can’t honestly remember the last time a CO stopped and asked me for my license or to check my equipment.)


    I also think a short quiz of 5-10 questions or so on fish ident and the regs etc. should be required before you can even get a license. Just cuz you can open a wallet doesn’t mean you know what you are doing.


    The over 65 thing I’m not sure about. While I agree that they’ve paid their dues time and time again and deserve a break. There is going to be a whole lot of boomers becoming that age soon and that may adversely affect the amount of $’s coming in for programs and enforcement. (While the splinters are little uncomfortable I’m gonna have to stay on the fence on this one.)

  10. Sorry to hear about your wheels man.

    Here's hopin' they end up being someone's "wife" in the pen.


    I wish you luck and hope it all works out for the best.

    Don't take any of the shite the insurance company gives ya.

    You've paid them for nothing for years, it's time they step up.

  11. I have a Optio W30 and a Panasonic FZ30.


    I have to say both have they're advantages.

    The W30 is small, tough, portable and takes a good to great picture depending on conditions.

    But the picture quality isn't as good as what I get with the FZ30. The manual settings and larger/better imager make a big difference. I can look at a pic on my PC and instantly tell which camera took the shot.

    The fixed lens of the FZ is a bit of a drawback but nothing major.

    But the FZ's size makes it a bit of a pain to carry around compared to the W30.


    It really depends on what you want to do. If you just want to point and shoot something like a W30 will probably be fine,

    But if you are going to do anything artsy or anything in lower light conditions you'll want to spend a little more on a better digital SLR.

    The little guys just aren't built for that sorta thing.


    Just read some of the sites provided here, then probably read'm again and you'll figure out watch you really need vs want.


    just my 0.02 + gst

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