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Posts posted by hawkeye

  1. So I'm going to try and pull some Walleye throught the ice at Lesser Slave this weekend and am thinking about taking some bare jigheads and trying to tye something onto it that a walleye or whatever else might smack at. Anyone tried this before? If so, how'd it work?


    Any thoughts welcome!



  2. To follow up on the thread about water quality and fish biomass in the Bow River, I thought I'd pass on this link to a real short report put out by some of the guys at the U.S.G.S. in Iowa City that I used to work with.




    It talks briefly about contaminants from wastewater effluent that we don't always think about. Pharmaceuticals, for example. In work following up this report on numerous outings we actually were able to find physical and chemical evidence of antidepresents and hormones in the fish. Physcially, fish like the fathead minnow that in the males generally has very strong male features were becoming more feminized. In the white sucker, we found measuravle levels of antidepresants in their brains. As you might suspect, the upstream fish were free of these effects, and at and downstream from the plant outflow they were significant.

  3. If you're real worried about safety you can pick up a pair of the waders/survival suit that I'm sporting in this gem of a photo here. They'll keep you warm in iceberg infested waters of the North Atlantic - mind you its a bit difficult to tie knots and cast with the giant 3 finger hands but safety first, right?


  4. In case there was any doubt in my head that I wasn't a bit of a 'misfit' in my family; see my response to the spinning lady above, and read both my brother's and my father's response that they sent me via e-mail!


    Brother (younger I should add!):

    next question: what direction would the lady appear to be spinning if your corpus callosum (connection between halves of brain) were severed? what if viewing spinner in left visual field only (info only getting to right brain), right visual field only (info only going to left brain)?





    Hey Bud: Very interesting. Some of their generalizations have recently been shown as wrong, however.

    If you are interested, you should read "Theatre of the Mind" followed by "The Wisdom Paradox". For an opposing view (partially) try "The Making of Intelligence". . . . . . . you gotta do something on those long winter evenings!!!!


    Thanks dad - I think I'll tie flies instead!


    Don't get me wrong, we're a closer family than any other I know - just have different hobbies :)


    Glenbow - found the feet, thanks bud!

  5. I worked in the U.S. in Iowa doing a lot of water quality work in the streams down there and did a lot of wading (and sometimes fish shocking which is more fun than you can imagine!). I was told that you can safely be in the water if you can multiply the depth and speed together and get less than 5. Yeah that sounds mathy but its helped me before when I was on a bank wondering if it was OK to walk in. Just chuck a light twig (or fly line with strike indicator and fly) or something in the water and check the speed. So - 1 ft deep and 5 ft/second is an example, or 5ft deep at 1 ft/second. Not to say you'd be fishing in 5 ft. of water but you get the idea. *** Insert disclaimer here***


    There are also some PFD's you can get that are much more comfortable that come with those little compressed air canisters that you can manualy inflate or they also have ones that auto inflate when they touch water (probably not good in the rain).


    I've got a wading belt also (pretty common I think). Helps the back out a ton and I imagine that it would also keep your waders from filling totally up with water should you fall.


    Thats all I've got and I'm anxious to hear what people say about my math.

  6. I'm trying to find a good spot somewhere before hwy 2 and 24 on the Bow. Been looking at air photos on google maps and am thinking it looks not to bad via Range rd. access (half way between 2 and 24 on the N side). Anyone gone in there before or have suggestions for other good places to go in in that area? I'm worried about not being able to find good access due to private sections of land. Are you permitted to walk the river banks all the way up in down or are there private sections of the bow?



  7. I caught three browns on the weekend that jumped high and continuously. Somewhat unusual IMO. Maybe because brownie spawning season is close. I also caught some rainbows that didn't jump once. Go figure. :huh:



    One of the browns I hooked into yesterday did the same. Suprised the heck out of me - had 3 or 4 huge jumps and then returned my hook to me.

  8. glad i could help out. congrats on the fish. i have still yet to catch one from the banks of the bow. almost did the other night, but not quite.


    no idea what they may have been rising to. hope you enjoyed the walk down to the river. i haven't been down there in awhile, how was the path way? i only ask because a lot of it was washed away a few years ago in the floods and i havent been down since.



    Path was steep, but not bad other than that. Wouldn't want to try use it if it were wet out at all though.



  9. Today I had my first experience on the Bow River and I'll never forget it!


    I took the advice of ladystrange (thanks!) and went off of 130th street off of deerfoot trail.


    First go at it I lost a fly in the tree behind me (quite difficult to do on such a large river I should say!) but it turned around from there. Walked a ways down stream and ran into some beautiful white tails, one stood bout 15 yards (13.71 meters :)) from me and we had a 5 minute staring contest. Found some real nice looking water and eventually found the right fly and hooked into 3 real nice fish (they all spat - barbless is new to me!). The first one I hooked I got a good look at and was by far the biggest trout I have seen. It took me until the 4th fish (all on the same fly) to land one. So below is a photo of my first trout on the Bow. Later on I saw a bunch of fish hitting the surface but it was getting too dark and I was getting way too cold. Anyone know what they might be hitting?


    I guess I'm writing this post just to say how amazed I am with this river. Everything I read about it is holding up. We are so lucky to live in this area. I just wish I moved to Calgary earlier in the season!


    Thanks for all the great info folks!




  10. Hi everyone,


    I brought a boat to Calgary with me from Iowa and am storing it right now at a place I can only get into from 9-5 on weekdays and 9-4 on Saturday and not at all Sundays. Not very condusive to being able to actually use it. Anyone out there have any info on where I could store it that I could access it when I want to use it?! (Its a 16 ft aluminum).


    Also - where do you guys reccomend shopping for fishing and hunting gear?


    Thanks to all!



  11. Hey all,


    I've got a copy of the fishing regs and am trying to figure out where on the Bow River the Carseland Weir is, where the Western Headworks Diversion is, and where Bearspaw Reservoir is.


    Just moved here and and just got a license and wanted to fish tonight but without knowing where its legal I think I'm gonna have to wait until tomorrow!


    Thanks for your help!



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