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Posts posted by DonAndersen

  1. Trout spawn in areas where there is typically upwelling springs. These springs tend to keep the  interspacial areas clear of debris in the redd thereby increasing egg survival. These upwellings are transient depending on upstream bottom configuration which  may vary from year to year.



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  2. Folks,

    Prairie Creek SW of Rocky was subjected to a water diversion to supply frac water in late December 2021. 
    The diversion flow was incorrectly calculated for a host of reasons. This may have resulted in a fish kill in the section that is closed to protect the spawners.

    Please take the time to read the info and write whatever Govt agency and make sure you copy your MLA.

    Here is further information on the Prairie Creek Water Diversion.

    Please take the time to read it and write a letter or two. Make sure you copy your MLA.




  3. 11 hours ago, monger said:

    Professional guides enable the handling of LOTS of fish. I would suggest much more than the average joe on the side of the river. If there is a move to "limit angling effort/number of fish handled". the government better limit the guiding industry that exploits a public resource before the regulations go after recreational anglers. I don't want to see some crap about "rod days" and their associated monetary value being used as a reason to give the guiding industry a pass on limiting their impact.

    Giving the guiding group a pass in the light of their efforts to stop WD is ludicrous.


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  4. A friend suggested Halloween Mask materials for pike flies. The stuff comes in many obnoxious colours. Right time of the season to acquire a selection. 
    I tie Clousers out of the stuff. 

    I think the stuff is Poly Vinyl.

    The best body material I found was Easter Egg basket stuffing material. Like the masks, it comes in weird colours.

    And I make my own leaders. Tools and materials are cheap. 
    Consider a stainless meat cutters stainless glove. This one works well.




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  5. On 8/11/2021 at 1:04 PM, Taco said:

    Lefty is bang on. For specialized conditions, increasing or decreasing line weights helps.

    However, for the bulk of angling, using the line matched to the rod is the best choice. 

    To use Lefty’s advice with six lines, three floaters, three sinkers plus reels likely would add $300>1500 in reels and $400 at least in lines. 


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